The Cyprus Green Party had expressed its intense opposition on the revival of the idea for the creation of a Dolphin Park in Cyprus. In the previous Dolphin Park that functioned and closed down years ago, four dolphins found their death. The Cyprus Greens had then condemned the fact by organizing protests and other activities until the final closure of the Dolphin Park – crematorium.
In fact the Greens submitted a law proposal in 2000 for banning any dolphin import in Cyprus. Animals should not be used for entertainment purposes for human species.
When dolphins live in an environment of captivity and are forced to proceed in acrobatic stands, for the so-called pleasure of humans, are definitely condemned to be damaged. And all these, once again, for the sake of money.
The President of the Cyprus Green Party Mr. George Perdikes along with Mrs. Mary Anastasi President of the organization “Voice for the Animals of Cyprus”, will have a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment Mr. Kouyiali, tomorrow at 10:00a.m. at the Minister’s office. During the meeting 12572 signatures against the creation of dolphin and seal parks will be handed to the Minster.