The affected residents from the Pissouri land slide live in mortal danger. We have been informed by the Pissouri Action Group that no new eviction notices have been issued by the District Officer of Limassol, and no more inspections have occurred, despite the extremely dramatic situation. Wednesday’s Daily Mail held a story on the issue with rich photographic material.

The eviction notices that have been issued until today do not cover even half of the houses that have suffered damages due to the rapid landslide that seems to be increasing daily, according to measurement taken by residents. In other words, the danger increases daily and, according to the consultation of a geo-mechanic, the underground rift is increasing dangerously, signalling the imminent collapse of the current land-cover.

When the Cyprus Parliamentary Committee for the Interior convened on the 10th of June 2019, the government had stated that they will examine the issue of humanitarian aid (the distribution of a one-off grant to the affected resident to cover rent costs for a period of time) and that they would send the specifics to the committee by the 12th of July 2019.

The dramatic developments on the ground however does not allow for any further delays on this matter. With the ground drying out rapidly under the scorching summer sun after an extremely wet winter, and the imminent danger of a huger rift opening up, the situation needs to be dealt with immediately and with great speed.

The Cyprus Greens-Citizens Cooperation expresses its full support to the residents of Pissouri and demands that the government take action immediately, without further delay, before it’s too late. Time is of the essence.