Cyprus Greens: Strictly against the licensing of crocodile farm
The Cyprus Green Party MP, Mr. George Perdikes stated that, there are great financial interests and strong political connections around the story with the crocodile farm. We have never seen before a private company naming officials of the Veterinary Services to be sent to a crocodile farm in Israel, with all expenses paid, in order to be personally informed about crocodiles. The Director General even intervened so that the officials will be transferred by the state’s expenses. The same officials, as mentioned during the Parliamentary Committee and as Mr. Perdikes stated, traveled to France as well and after that they are fully in favor for a license to be approved for the crocodile farm.
Why would the state pay for the company’s chosen ones to be traveling to France and Israel? Sadly, the Veterinary Services is the state’s only service that is in favor of licensing the crocodile farm. The two officials are still not suspended and we do not expect that they will be even checked because the specific businessmen have political support, Mr. Perdikes stated. These businessmen, according to unconfirmed information, come from a specific political party and there is a second political party linked to the particular development associated with them.
The so called “development” will take place in Larnaca District at Tochni and Psematismenos communities. Mr. Perdikes stated that the Larnaca Municipality, the District Committee, all the animal welfare organizations and the nearby communities are against the crocodile farm. The investment is huge, since certain conditions have to be created for the crocodiles to survive in Cyprus. We don’t need such developments in Cyprus, Mr. Perdikes