Once again we are witnessing a dog poisoning and specifically this time in Ayios Epifaneios in Limassol.

It is at least unacceptable to record such kind of behaviors in a European country like Cyprus, at the same time that in other Member States there is so much sensitivity on animal issues.

The Cyprus Green Party calls the Police to proceed with decisive actions. We, once again, call the Chief of Police to speed up regarding the issue of employing Special Police Force – according to the recent legislation that the Parliament voted after the suggestion by the Green Party – which will be exclusively occupied with the investigation of such incidents and for an Animal Police to be created.

Nevertheless, we don’t believe that the above is enough. There is a great need for all people of all ages to be educated and aware of the subject must be formed regarding all the layers of our people, in order for such phenomena that offend the whole society to stop.

Cyprus Green Party
Limassol District Committee